Monday, May 23, 2011

Grown Up Night

Friday night I had a grown-up night. It was awesome.

My bestie just got back into town from Ireland (I know, right?) and came over to spoil my baby more than he already is and to have a girls night. She brought Punkin back a really neat all natural wooden drag along snail. It's terribly cute and Punky loves it.

The second one is an action shot. He loves dragging it around the house.

Bestie also gave us a really neat book called The Tale of Lundravar the Dragon. It has the most amazing art inside. I haven't read it yet, I've just flipped through at looked at the awesome art.

book cover of 
The Tale of Lundravar the Dragon 
John A Blakey

I can't wait until Jax gets old enough to enjoy it with me!

After the spoiling had been done and an extra few minutes of hearing about adventures in Ireland, we went for pedi's and drinks. It was so nice just to get out and relax with a girlfriend. I haven't had a pedicure since right before I had Jax and boy did I need it. I was very good and only had half a screwdriver. I had to weigh in the next morning!

So Saturday morning was my (second) first WW meeting and weigh in. I lost 5lbs this first week. I don't know why, but I wasn't near as excited about it as I thought I would be. I mean, I'm glad I lost, but it feels like I have such a long way to go that it's not such a big deal. I feel so unmotivated lately for some reason. I'm still following the plan and trying to make healthy choices, but part of me always wants to say "eff it".

But the other part of me that saw the pictures of myself from my nieces birthday party this weekend is screaming on the inside and dutifully counting points. Seriously, Facebook should ask your permission before someone tags a picture of you. It would take the hassle out of me having to go through and untag pictures of myself. I wish I could delete pictures from other peoples pages.

After the birthday party and after a very grumpy baby got a nap, Punkin had his second of a million bloody boo boos. He fell and I suspect he had this thumb in his mouth at the time and his nail cut his lip and that thingamajig that connects your upper lip to your gums (I cut that exact same thingamajig when I was little). The blood was plentiful. It was super scary for a minute. Partly because of all the blood, and partly because I thought he might need stitches and his insurance hasn't been approved yet. Yikes! He was grumpy for a few hours after but of course  he was perfectly fine.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Lots of laundry and cleaning, and a walk around Lake Ella with the family. Jax loved seeing and chasing the ducks. They're about as big as he is so I was a little scared one would turn around a chase him back, but thankfully they were all pretty whatever about it. After our walk we went to Publix where Punkin enjoyed a cookie.

Yeah, he made a mess. We had to stop at the pharmacy and ask for some paper towels. He didn't know what the problem was.

And so another week begins. Time to hitch that smile back into place.

Friday, May 20, 2011


I mean that in every sense of the word.

I'm constantly tired. all.the.time. It go to bed at 10 and wake up at 7 so you would think I'd be well rested. Between my dog chewing on herself all night and my husband schlepping into bed at 2AM I know I wake up a few times a night. If I'm totally honest with myself though, it probably has a lot to do with the fact that I'm carrying around extra weight and my diet leaves something to be desired. That and my sedentary lifestyle.

So, I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of feeling bad about myself. I'm tired of being winded after 5 minutes of chasing my toddler around the house.

Believe it or not, I've actually taken a step to do something about it. I joined weight watchers again. I don't know why, but even seeing that typed out is embarrassing. Like I know I'm overweight, but I'm hoping you didn't notice, so admiting it out loud is ruining all hope that maybe you don't think I'm as fat as I really am, even though you're obviously not blind or you wouldn't be reading this. So, yeah.

I did WW a few years ago and lost almost 20 pounds. I stopped going to the meetings when I thought I could do it on my own no problem since I had all the basics. Wrong. I didn't have the accountability, and between having a baby and being generally lazy, I'm now almost 30 lbs heavier than I was when I first joined a few years ago (meaning I gained back that 20 plus almost 30...YIKES). My husband is tired of hearing me complain and to be honest I'm tired of hearing me too. I have my first meeting tomorrow, and assuming the rapture doesn't happen as has been predicted ( it...good stuff!) I'm hoping for a good loss to keep my morale up. WW is a sloooow process, but better than other diets I've tried because it's realistic. Really I can eat whatever I want in moderation. Plus, I've always heard the slower you lose the slower you gain.

Also, what I've been doing for the past 3 years obviously ain't werkin.

On to other non-jiggly related items!

There's this thing that happens in my house every night. Between the hours of 5-7 PM, no matter how many naps or snacks or even a desperate attempt at a Blues Clues peace offering, the Baby Witching Hour starts and pandemonium takes over.

Seriously though, my kid is so grumpy during this time it's comical. I have no idea why it is. He can even take a late nap and sleep until 6 PM, but he's going to wake up grumpy. We usually put him to bed at 7 and even if he has that late nap, he's ready for bed at 7. Until then, he mostly runs around trying to get into to this and throwing himself at us in a fit of wails and kisses when we tell him no (he wants reassurance that we still love him...who can blame the kid?!).  Do any of you go through this with your kids? Any tips of distraction?

Punkin is at that stage now where he's babbling constantly and he's actually saying something. We just don't speak his language so we have no idea. He'll repeat whatever it is over and over again trying to get his point across and all we can do is nod in agreement and laugh at his insistence. He says about 8 actual words right now, which we hear interspersed in his babbling. He can tell us what a doggy says now, which is hilarious. He'll walk right up to Luna and "ruff ruff ruff" at her. I die of cute overload at least 5 times a day (more on the weekends, of course).

Tomorrow is my baby niece's 1st birthday. I can't believe she's a year old already! In honor of Punkin's partner in crime here is an adorable (and iPhone blurry) picture of the two of them:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh, hello there.

Once again, it's been a month since I've updated.

Punkin is now walking running everywhere. He's all over the place! It hasn't been without it's bumps and bruises, but it never seems to bother him.

We moved! It really happened all of a sudden. My Great Uncle has a house that he rents and needed some renters. We needed some space. It worked out great! We managed to get out of our lease at our apartment and moved in last week. We really love it. It's a three bedroom with a fenced in back yard and wood floors in every room. It's actually not much bigger square footage wise but it feels huge compared to our last place. There's lots of room for Punky to run around in the living room and there's lots of room for Luna to run around in the back yard. It's worked out great so far!

I have one more box to unpack and I'm done. I can't believe I got it done so fast!

Tax season is over (thank goodness!). I'm not going to lie, it was a rough one. I think my goal was just to get every done as quickly as possible so I could get home to my baby before he went to bed. I made a lot of small mistakes in the process, effectively making me feel like an idiot. It happens though, and I'm very lucky to have an understanding boss.

Austin is back in school and starts full time this summer. He's very excited to jump in with both feet. I'm proud of him for how well he's doing.

Punky is going through a phase of not really wanting to eat. He eats...just not much and only certain foods. I'm keeping my fingers crossed he doesn't develop his dad's picky pallet. That mixed with his constant running around and exploring has him thinning up. Don't get me wrong he still has his big ol' belly, but it's slowly getting smaller. I put a pair of shorts on him the other days that literally fit him the week before. They fell to his ankles when he was running around at my office. I'm hoping this is a normal growth spurt!

I have no pictures to share today, as I'm on Austin's laptop, but next time! I promise!