Friday, December 6, 2013

This Year

Is it just me, or does time go so much faster when you have kids?

I can't believe another year has come and gone. It doesn't seem like very long ago that we were celebrating Skeeter's first Christmas, and now we're creeping up to her second and Punkin's fourth!

This year Skeeter has learned to walk, talk, run, play and love her baby dolls. Punkin has learned how to argue and the pros and cons of having a little sister (pro: someone to play with, con: attention stealing demon baby).

Punkin is getting so much closer to four and I can't believe he's so big. He's like a little person now. Potty training is still a work in progress if you can believe it. He's super at going pee during the day and he's even pooping in the potty regularly now, we're just dealing with a couple of accidents here and there and he's no where near ready for night time training. Honestly, as long as he's pooping in the potty, I'm down.

Skeeter is learning new things every day. She loves taking care of her baby dolls. Feeding them and putting them to bed is her favorite game. She gives them hugs and kisses and gives them a bottle. It's so sweet. Don't get me wrong, she can show an attitude really quick if she feels the occasion calls for it. But overall, she's such a sweet baby and we can't get enough of her.

I like to think overall, this has been a year of growth. Austin and I have had some moments of realization about life and we've tried to grow from them. We've been helped immeasurably by friends and family, especially since one of our cars was totaled when Austin was hit by a drunk driver in October (he's fine, thank goodness). It shed a whole new light on thankfulness and a good lesson of not taking things for granted. I hope we can carry that with us when times of feeling sorry for ourselves pop up, as they tend to do.

I hope everyone's year was as good as mine, and I hope in the new year I can tend to this little blog more often, no matter how few people read it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Do Exist!

Hello! This blog is still here! I'm still here! Promise!

I guess I got so busy with tax season (like, really busy) I neglected the blog, and then after tax season I kind of felt like I had nothing to offer. But now I'm back with just maybe a little bit of news to share.

We just moved in to a new house and wow. It's so nice to have our own space again. It's a bigger place than we've ever had and it really feels like we can breathe and spread out which is always nice. It's pretty in the middle of nowhere for us since we're so used to living on one side of town, but there are lots of frogs and other critters (even gators sometimes apparently? yikes!) to keep us company.

Skeeter is a year old and ugh she's so huge. She's walking all over the place and saying a few words. She loves to eat (and how dare you if you're eating something...anything...and you don't share with her) and she loves her Bubba and Pooh Bear. She's such a sweet baby. She's very quiet most of the time and so well behaved when we're out. We just love her to bits.

I've shared this here before, but I never wanted a girl. Because I'm a girl and I remember what it's like to be a girl and I just didn't want to have to deal with a child going through what I went through. But having a girl is so fun. Having a boy is pretty special, but having a girl is pretty special in a different way I think.

Punkin is growing up too. It's amazing to me sometimes when we're having a conversation that he can actually sit and have that conversation with me. He can tell me about his day and about what he likes and especially about what he doesn't like. It's a fun trip in to his brain.

I'm in school for early childhood education and it's going great so far. I'm really enjoying learning about how my kid works. I don't know that I'll ever really pursue a career in early childhood education, but learning about it is so much fun. It's nice to have something for me.

Austin is traveling like a crazy person with no kids for his comedy. He's gone three weekends in a row in August and I'm already dreading it. I'm proud of him for relentlessly pursuing his passion and making things happen for himself. He's getting paid to do what he loves, so I can't complain too much!

And now here is a lovely picture of my almost grown babies.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Come Back Kid

Hi! I'm still here!

This tax season has been so unbelievably busy. Just ask my very disgruntled husband. I went back to full time in February and since then I've been working nights and weekends whenever I feel like I need to catch up. Which has been often. It's exhausting and I think I've been sick for a month straight now. Between working nights and Skeeter still getting up in the middle of the night to nurse (torture!) my body is protesting.

Punkin turned 3 at the beginning of the month and to celebrate we took the kids to Disney. It was amazing. Punkin had a fantastic time and we had a fantastic time watching him. Skeeter was an absolute doll and besides having to make a quick trip to urgent care for an eye infection, everything went great!

They're both getting so big. Punkin is growing by leaps and bounds. He speaks like a little person now and the terrible three's are upon us! We're still working on potty training, but so far we're at a stalemate. He'll pee in the potty when he feels like it, otherwise he'll just pee in his pants if he's too busy. Don't even think about poop. He absolutely refuses to poop in the potty.

Skeeter is almost a year old! 2 more months and my baby will be a toddler! I can't even believe it. She's so very close to walking. She can stand on her own and it's like you can see the wheels turning in her brain to make herself take a step, but she ends up just falling to her butt. Soon! She's also saying words all over the place: Mama, Dada, Bubba (for Punkin), num num, banana, paw paw, night's like she's picking up a new one every day. She'll be as big as her brother pretty soon, and her brother will be starting kindergarten. Where does the time go?

Austin and I are, of course, getting lost in the children and the general every day mess that is life. It's hard for us to get out at the same time, so I'm really trying to have just us dates at least once a week on the weekends. It's hard to make it happen, but I feel like it's getting more and more important for us to just be us together instead of parents and employees all the time.

Tax season ends April 15th, so I probably won't write again until after then! Here's hoping I survive!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


That's me. I've been around. I guess I can't complain that I haven't had anything interesting to write about.

Punk is doing very well in preschool. He still cries a bit in the morning when I drop him off if his teacher isn't there yet (he loves his teacher!). But he's always happy and playing when I pick him up. I can definitely see an improvement in his speech, both in the words he's saying and in his comprehension. Tuesday he was telling me how he rode the bicycle at playtime and how he learned all about dinosaurs in class. He was even telling me about how his friend Josh cried during breakfast. It was nice to be able to have a conversation about his day.

He's so very close to three now, and I can definitely feel it. His favorite game is pushing Momma and Daddy's buttons until we get all red faced and huffy. He loves it. It's been difficult navigating boundaries for him. Time-outs don't seem to work very well. I'm not a big fan of spanking, but he has been popped on the bottom on occasion and that doesn't seem to have much of an effect either. It's a work in progress.

Potty training seems to be at a standstill. He's great going pee pee in the potty during the day, and will usually tell us when he needs to go when we're out. He has a habit of holding it for a REALLY long time to avoid the potty, so we have to really stay on top of him or he'll have an accident before we can get him to the bathroom. He still won't poop in the potty at all. I'm kind of stumped on that one. I don't want to force it but man it would be nice if we could get him to do that. He's also still in a diaper at nap time and at bed time and usually wakes up really wet so I don't think he's even close to losing the diaper completely.

Skeeter is getting so very big. She's 8 months old now and babbling away. She says Ma, Da, Buh, Nuh and some other random gibberish. I hesitate to say it, but I really think she's starting to recognize Austin and I with "Mama" and "Dada". We call Punk Bubba. I also think she says "nuh" when she wants to eat sometimes. We refer to food as num num with Punk. I don't know why and I went through a period of trying to stop saying it because it's kind of obnoxious, but it stuck. So I always ask if she wants some num num and I think that's where she gets nuh from. Or it's my imagination. Who knows.

She has her two bottom teeth (which are ridiculously me) and I think she's working on more. She's crawling every where and pulling up and cruising. She's into EVERYTHING and has gotten to where she runs (crawls really fast) when she hears me coming up behind her. She knows I'm there to spoil her fun. She's a love and a joy and she and her brother are the prettiest babies in existence. Yes, I'm bias. No, I don't care.

I start back full time at work at the beginning of next month and I'm dreading it, but I'm looking forward to full paychecks again. Say a tax season prayer for me! It'll probably be another month before I update!