Friday, September 17, 2010

These Boots Were Made for Crawling!

Punkin is so close to really crawling. He can get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth and scoot himself around, but he hasn't really taken off yet. It's so fun to see him try, though.

He does what I like to call "baby push-ups".

I love watching him try to figure things out. It's like I can see the wheels turning in his head trying to understand. I love it. :)

I wish I could spend more time with him. Going back to work has not been an easy thing for me. It's really odd because I never thought I'd want to be a stay at home Mom. At work they made me sign a maternity leave agreement stating that I would work through the next tax season or forfeit my maternity leave. Nice, huh? Honestly, at the time I didn't think twice about it. Now, it kind of makes me sick to think about.

Not that I could stop working if I wanted too. We rely pretty heavily on my income and as many times as I've tried to work it in my mind, I just can't see a way to make it happen. I'm hoping by the time we're ready to have another baby we will have found a way. Keeping my fingers crossed.

In baby food making news, I took another trip to New Leaf on my lunch break and bought some more fruits and veggies to cook. This time I got squash, green beans, plums, avocado, apples and carrots. I'm excited to get cooking. I'm steaming green beans as we speak!

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