Monday, September 19, 2011

Sick Baby

I've had a sick baby on my hands the past week or so. He's had a runny nose and a slight cough and Saturday I was puked on. Lovely.

I think maybe he ate too much that time. I'm starting to think he's going to have a sensitive stomach like his Daddy. I had one when I was a kid but grew out of it. Austin, not so much.

Punkin has been a pretty sweet boy these past couple of days. Remember how I got the chair from my Mom's for time out? I haven't had to use it yet. He certainly has his moments, but it seems like he's understanding better when I tell him no. For example, he loves to take the magnets off the fridge and throw them across the room. One time of me getting down to his level and telling him he can play with the magnets but he absolutely can not throw the magnets and he hasn't done it since.

We're reading lots of books and now he'll pick one up and run his fingers across the words and mumble like he's reading. I always follow the words with my finger when I read to him so he knows these are words and not just part of the picture. I want to start introducing him to letters and getting him acquainted with the alphabet. He likes it when we sing ABC's so I think maybe I'll try and point out the letters specifically while we sing? Not sure yet, but I'd like to start. He's only 18 months old so I'm not trying to teach him to read or anything.

He's gotten really great with his blocks. He can stack up to four at a time. I don't know why this was such an achievement to me but I was really proud of him! Sometimes if I can see a melt down coming I'll say "Hey, let's go play with your blocks!" and he'll happily run in his room to play. It's cut off a few tantrums, for which I'm grateful.

Big score today! Austin managed to find a kid sized broom and dust pan. Punkin LOVES to help me sweep and while I appreciate it, it get a little hairy with him swinging a full sized broom around the house. Hopefully this keeps him occupied. Pics soon!

Tonight is date night with the hubs for and I am so freaking excited. I feel like I haven't been out of the house without a baby in ages. I plan on getting the biggest margarita I can possibly find. Maybe two. I haven't decided yet.

After Momma got a shirt full of puke. This is his new favorite thing to do when he's sleepy or doesn't feel well. He loves to lay on the couch with a blanket and watch Elmo.

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