Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This Happened.

See that tiny pale face boy with the red hair out in the distance? This is exactly how far away from me Punkin was when this conversation took place:

Punkin: MAMA!
Me: What?!
Me: omg.

Now, he's been saying "poo poo butt" for a while because this is what we call him at certain moments that I'm sure you can guess. But this was the first time he straight up was like "Hey, wipe my butt". Okay, I know it wasn't like that, but that's what it felt like.

I feel like if he can tell me he just pooped, he should be pretty darn close to telling me before, right? RIGHT?! Please tell me that's right because I would love him to be potty trained in the next year or so. I'm not pushing it and I'm not rushing because I don't want to totally turn him off to the whole idea. We bought him an Elmo potty DVD and a Sesame Street potty seat that goes on the toilet and he's mildly interested. Every once in a while he'll want to sit on the potty so I let him. It only lasts about 30 seconds and then he wants to get off and flush, and he's never actually gone in the potty, but I figure just sitting on it is a good start.

I've thought about getting him some cloth diaper trainers. They're supposed to be great because they don't soak up the moisture where they can't feel it like regular diapers, but they also don't leak every where like big boy undies would. So many changes are coming up for him!

Speaking of changes, baby girl is getting bigger and practicing her karate every day in my belly. I feel her so much lower than I ever felt Punkin. Part of the reason I had to get a c-section with him was because he hadn't dropped at all at a week past my due date and I wasn't a candidate for induction. I haven't made up my mind on if I want a VBAC or not, so maybe she'll decide for me and I'll actually go into labor this time? Who knows. All I know is, we should probably start cleaning out that spare bedroom of all of our junk before she gets here, otherwise she'll be sleeping with us and living out of boxes forever!

Punkin seems like he's changing every day as well. I swear every time I look at him he's grown some or learned a new word or is putting something hazardous in his mouth. He's starting to recognize letters, but not really. He knows each letter is called something, but he doesn't know what yet, so he pretty much calls them all A. We'll tell him what they are and he'll repeat it, so I think this is a great start toward him learning his letters. He already kind of counts to three, but only when he wants Daddy to throw him around on the couch or bed. I've been thinking maybe he would like flash cards to look through, and then I think of the mess flash cards would make and how they would all be ruined around my house anyway, so I downloaded an app instead. Ah, technology. :)

Hopefully next time I write, we'll have made progress in the baby's room!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, he said poo poo butt!
    Gotta love the Manns!
    -Aunt Ash!
