I am happy to report I'm feeling much more sane and much less stabby. We're beginning to fall in to a routine. Baby girl still has her moments, but she is sleeping MUCH better at night. Most nights she only wakes up twice to eat and has gone as long as 6 hours at a time. I'm still up and down with her so I'm still tired, but it's much better than being up every hour and a half and spending 4 hours with a screaming baby trying to get her to sleep.
Of course as soon as we start getting a routine down, I'm due to go back to work next week. So that's sure to mess it all up. Luckily I'm going back part time so hopefully it's not quite as stressful as it was when I had to go back with Punkin. Not to mention I had to go back in the middle of tax season with him so I was thrown to the wolves immediately.
Baby girl will be 6 weeks on Friday and she's getting so big. She's smiling at us, which makes all of the sleepless nights worth it. The first time I went to nurse her and she looked up at me with her big, gummy grin I almost died from cute.
Cloth diapering a new born is both easier and more frustrating and I imagined. I was really kind of scared of the prefolds, but they're super easy and we've never had a leak using a prefold and a cover. However, she's already outgrowing them so it's getting harder and harder to fold them just right so that they fit snugly around her legs so we don't have poop leaking out. I'm dying to get her in the one size diapers, but she's still too small and I only have a handful that fit her right now. I like to use those when we're out since they have a moisture wicking layer that keeps her skin dry in case she has to be in the diaper longer.
One thing that has really been a life saver around here is the swing. Punkin never really took to the swing and he only ever fell asleep in it a hand full of times. Baby girl has gotten to where that's where she takes her morning naps. Last night I was having trouble getting her back to sleep after she woke up to nurse, so after holding her and holding her and lots of butt patting and back rubbing I finally gave up and put her in the swing. Twenty minutes later she was out and I was able to move her back in to the bedroom where she slept for another three hours. I should send fisher price a muffin basket or something for saving my sanity.
Punkin is typically trying to get our attention by acting out some. He loves his baby sister and he always wants to hold her and giver her kisses, but he does not love all the attention she gets. He's been a bit more whiny than usual and he likes to test boundaries. He's usually in time out once or twice a day for something or other. When I can tell he's getting a bit restless I'll ask if he wants to go play in his room for a while, and he's gotten to where he loves this suggestion. Probably because he can be as destructive as he wants, and I honestly don't mind. I figure it's his room and his toys and we're constantly on him about messing the rest of the house so I'm okay with him having his own space to do what he wants.
So for now things are going well. I'm preparing myself for the dreaded 6 week growth spurt, which may or may not call for a very fussy baby. Hopefully we make it through in one piece!
Wow. That reminds me so much of Olivia. The colicky not sleeping thing. The swing was a life saver. Or the Neglect-o-matic as called it. Olivia lived in it. It was practically the only way she'd sleep. And after stage, Jim slept on the couch for several months while Olivia and I took the bed so that I could nurse her and she could doze off without having to move her--fearing she''d wake up.