Monday, August 6, 2012

Sick Day

Punkin and Momma are both sick today, so we're spending the day in our jammies in front of Netflix. I'm waiting for medicine to kick in and get rid of the raging headache I have.

In the mean time, we're watching Yo Gabba Gabba and diligently going pee in the potty. Yep. After all my worry if he was ready and all my google research on potty training tips, he suddenly decided he was ready to pee in the potty on Friday. We generally let him go naked a lot of the time, partly to help in potty training and partly to let his little bum air out between diaper changes. He was sitting on the couch and said "Pee pee couch?". I told him to go pee pee in the potty and he climbed off of the couch and stood over his little froggy potty and just started peeing. It was amazing. Ever since then he's been going pee pee in the potty like he was doing it this whole time. He has yet to poop in the potty and we're letting him run around naked as he doesn't really get the whole pulling down underwear thing, so I'm watching closely to make sure he's not squatting in a corner somewhere. One step at a time!

He's learning so much right now. He knows his letters and his numbers and is really speaking a lot clearer. He's at the point to where I can tell him what something is once and he'll actually remember. We're hoping to get him in a preschool soon so that he can socialize with some other kids and hopefully learn even more in a classroom setting. It would only be part time, but I'm excited about it.

Meanwhile, Skeeter has been sleeping like it's her job. It's been so much easier to put her down at night and when she does go down she's sleeping through the night. She's gotten to where she goes down around 8:30 and she sleeps until 6:30-7:30 in the morning. It's amazing. She had been going down around 10 but we somehow got her and Punkin on the same schedule so that they go to bed around the same time. I don't know how we did it, but hey. I'll take it.

She's really becoming such a sweet, laid back baby. She'll sit in her bouncy seat and just coo at the animals and watch us doing whatever we're doing. She thinks her big brother is hilarious already and loves when he's jumping around. She smiles so big whenever I talk to her, like she's just so happy to see me. It feels so good to be enjoying my baby.

I'm off to take a hot shower and hopefully wash this yucky sickness away.


  1. so so glad that baby girl is sleeping so well. can you send some of that sleep our way? Lucy woke up literally TEN TIMES more than one night on vacation. Whew. Teach me your sleep wizardry!

  2. HOORAY for bonding and better sleep patterns! Love you :) --Bestie
