Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Six Months

So tomorrow Punkin will be six months, and I'm just now trying to keep a blog going. This is really more for myself than anyone. I want to have a record of his milestones that's not in a a very ugly baby book.

He's gotten so big so fast. At three months we was rolling over, at five months he was sitting up and now at six months he's trying desperately hard to crawl. He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth, but can't quite figure out what to do next.

The next big step: Solids.

He's exclusively breast fed so I waited until 6 months, as he gets all the nutrition he needs from the breast milk up until now. I've been agonizing over how to do this for the past two months. I've been reading and researching and I think I finally have a plan. I'm going to skip cereal all together. I don't really get the point of it. It has next to no nutritional value and while some say it's to help them practice for real food, I think actually eating the real food will be better practice. Not saying anything against using cereal first, I'm just going to take a different route.

I've decided to make my own baby food, which I'm ridiculously excited about. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I figure it can't be too hard, right? I'm going to start with sweet potatoes so tomorrow after my baby food making class (yes you read that right) I'm going to stop by Fresh Market and see if I can find some organic sweet potatoes. Friday Punk has a doctors appointment and shots (which I have to go to alone...gulp. I'm a notorious immunization crier) so I figure maybe some real food will make him feel better.

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